Track your organic growth with realsearch metrics.
Bring your Google Search Console track to the table, with real insights that are powered by your historical search data.

Be one of the
writers using Reword
Collaborate with the only AI trained by you, for you.
Filter, segment and search your articles based on your search data.
An easy to use interface that gives you the need-to-know metrics at a glance. Reword stitches together your search data and helps you understand your trends.

Join thousands using Reword to write people-first articles.
"It is above and beyond all the other tools that I have tried. Reword's AI learns well, cross-links my articles and most importantly has AI commands natively in the text editor."

George Angus
Digital Publisher, Original Outdoors

“Reword is like a second brain that helps me think of what content our users will actually want to know about. This is something that other tools have not been able to do for me.”

Frances Chan
Content Manager,

Get the insights you need to reach your blogs search traffic potential.

Powered by your search console data.
We synchronize directly with your Google Search Console property, so that the metrics you are getting are accurate.

Filter articles based on your search metrics.
Impressions, clicks, CTR and position. Filter them all and segment your articles with a data-rich platform.

Use reader intents to unlock more search traffic.
Reword uses AI-powered reader intents to help you ensure that you are writing reliable, helpful, people-first content.